Officers and Committee

Committee Officers:

Chairman – David Cochrane
Tel: 01788 523222 – email:

Vice Chairman – Nick Salmon
Tel: 07831 805455 – email:

Secretary – Ruairidh Dunford
Tel: 0141 942 8037 – email:

Treasurer – Chris Roberts
Tel: 07717 725831 – email:

Archivist – Gordon England
Tel: 07887 846416 – email:

Registrar – Peter Hales
Tel: 01656 784057 – email:

Magazine Distribution to Member Clubs and Back Issues – Howard Annett
Tel: 01403 790530 – email:

Magazine Editor – Howard Wright
Tel: 01597 829456 – email:

Advertising – Sarah Mason
Tel: 07837 229982 – email:

Publicity Officer – Steve Earl
Tel: 07814 930201 – email:

Webmaster – Roger Brown
Tel: 07770 435880 – email:

Insurance Liaison Officer – David Mawby
Tel: 07721 435880 – email:

Association Comittee

The committee consists of a representative from each of the Full Member Clubs.

A7CA Member Club Representatives are the eyes, ears and voice of the Club they represent, and should convey the opinions and decisions of the Club they represent, not their own.

Representatives should attend each of the quarterly meetings to be one member of the A7CA Committee for the club they represent. The A7CA Officers act on decisions made by the Member Club Committee at the quarterly meetings.

A7CA Member Club Representatives should work closely with the Secretary of the Club they represent to ensure that items raised at the quarterly meetings are attended to within a timely manner that allows the reporting back at the next quarterly meeting, or sooner, if requested. The direction of the information they should communicate is both ways, Representatives reporting back to their Clubs topics, questions or decisions from the A7CA quarterly meetings and vice versa.

If a Member Vote is requested at a quarterly meeting the Club Representatives should vote as instructed by their Member Club. Committee Officers’ may only vote if they are also representing a Member Club

Member Clubs – at November 2023

  • 750 Motor Club
  • Austin Seven Owners Club (London)
  • Bongtree Austin Seven Club
  • Bristol Austin Seven Club
  • Cambridge Austin Seven Club
  • Cornwall Austin Seven Club
  • Devon Austin Seven Club
  • Dorset Austin Seven Club
  • Essex Austin Seven Club
  • Hereford Austin Seven Club
  • Midlands Austin Seven Club
  • N. E. Club for Pre War Austins
  • Norfolk Austin Seven Club
  • Online Austin Seven Club
  • Pre War Austin Seven Club
  • Scottish Austin Seven Club
  • Solent Austin Seven Club
  • South Wales Austin Seven Club
  • Vintage Austin Register