At the Association AGM to be held on Sunday April 9th 2017, 2, if not 3, Officer positions will fall vacant. Those positions are Chairman and Advertising Manager. The current Vice-chair, Chris Garner, has already indicated his willingness to stand for the position of Chairman, so it is also possible that the position of Vice-chair will need filling.
Candidates for these posts are invited to apply (there is no requirement for a formal nomination process) Indications of interest should be accompanied by a note confirming which post you are interested in and a short (say side of A4) outline of your background and experience qualifying you for the role.
Could I ask Clubs etc to ensure their membership are made aware of these vacancies and encourage applications from those people who you think might be particularly suitable. Interested parties are encouraged to get in touch to discuss any aspect of these positions.
I have attached the Job descriptions of each of the three posts which shows the roles and responsibilities.
Closing date for applications is the Monday 20th February giving time for applications to be circulated for consideration by Clubs etc before voting at the AGM in April.
Hugh Barnes
A7CA Secretary
The Advertising Manager’s job is a voluntary position responsible to the A7CA for promoting and acting as representative for the Austin Seven and the Historic Car Movement:-
Acting as a ‘Focal Point’ for the A7CA Magazine in respect of offering advertising services to the Association in respect to its Member Clubs and Registers of the Association/Individuals, and Overseas Associate Member Clubs/and any Press/Publication Media Groups/Trade or Services connected with the Austin Seven Movement.
Promoting advertising services available for placement in the Austin Seven Clubs’ Association quarterly magazine which is issued January, April, July, October per year.
Pricing advertising rates:- Display Pages (Black/White/Colour) ie:-
1 Page, ½ Page, ¼ Page. Classified Ads, Trade and Services. (See
Advertising Rates/fees/non fees for Club advertising ie:- Events/Promotions/Services.
Communication with Advertisers/Clubs per email/post/telephone.
Compiling/agreement of adverts and liaising with A7CA Editor in respect of compilation and approval of advertising to be placed in A7CA magazines.
Invoicing/Collecting monies for Advertising and organising A/c Listing and payments to be paid into A7CA Direct Account/or payable per cheque.
Sending out A7CA magazines to paying Advertisers on a quarterly basis.
Sending out Reminders with “Letter of Thanks for Advertising” to regular advertisers in October with Pro-forma Invoices for booking space in “Next Year A7CA Magazine”
The Chairman of the Austin 7 Clubs’ Association (A7CA) is a voluntary position, voted for by the member clubs of the Association; the incumbent of which is responsible to The Association for:
• Acting as focal point for members of the Association, other national historic car movements, the media and the general public
• Chairing the four meetings of the Association
• Promoting the Austin 7 movement to the general public, the media and the member clubs of the Association
• With the secretary, drawing up the agenda for the meetings
• Assisting all parties to have discussions in all matters relating to Austin 7’s
• To guide discussions where necessary
• To sum up discussions and propose votes amongst the member clubs.
• To promote co-operation between clubs and groups having an interest in the Austin7
• To have the casting vote where the opinion is equally divided in a general vote
Job Description:
A voluntary position responsible for:
Primarily to support the Chairman where necessary and when requested.
Fill in for the Chairman when absent.
Can prepare meetings or Committee items and suggestions.
Problem solve with Committee members and report back to the Chairman.
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the Committee and convey & discuss with the Chairman